RUF 800 Individually-tailored briquetting solutions for wood & biomass

The advantages for you at a glance:

  • Fully automatic 24h operation possible
  • Long service life & low maintenance costs
  • High degree of customisation possible
  • Compact construction
  • More than 35 years’ experience

Earn increased revenues with RUF briquette presses

With a throughput of 670 kg/hour, our RUF 800 briquette press is mainly suited to larger quantities of chips and residues, such as wood, wood chips, agricultural residues, paper or textile dust. The residues are pressed into briquettes of a consistently high quality and density, without the addition of any binding agents. The only prerequisite for this is that the water content of the starting material is below 15 %. Our briquette presses are also characterised by a high degree of individualisation and can be tailored to your specific requirements through a wide variety of options.

RUF Brikettpresse für Biomasse
RUF verschiedene Brikettformate
RUF Briketts verschiedener biogener Reststoffe
Hackschnitzel brikettieren
Kaffeesatz brikettieren
Individuelle Brikettformate
RUF Brikettpresse für Biomasse
RUF verschiedene Brikettformate
RUF Briketts verschiedener biogener Reststoffe
Hackschnitzel brikettieren
Kaffeesatz brikettieren
Individuelle Brikettformate

Technical data RUF 800

Max. throughput rate (kg/h) Biomass 670
Max. throughput rate (kg/h) PU 260-520
Power (kW) 37
spec. Pressure, max. (kg/cm²) 1.700
briquette formats (mm) 150x60 x 150x70, 150x75
Size (m) Lenght x Width x Hight 2,0 x 2,0 x 2,1
ca. weight (t) 4,2 t

Briquette formats in

150X60 150X70 150X75


Download free informational material here

Pressing test order RUF Image Brochure RUF Biomass Brochure

Bernd Ellenrieder Sales management

More than 15 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Roland Ruf Managing Director

More than 15 years in the company, managing director for more than 10 years

Wolfgang Ruf Managing Director

More than 30 years in the company, managing director for more than 10 years

Stefan Schulz Sales & Project Management

15 years sales experience, more than 2 years at RUF

Berthold Golsner Sales & IT

More than 20 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Witali Helmut Technical Manager

More than 25 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Rita Behringer Sales & Logistic

More than 15 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Request a free test pressingDownload information sheet "pressing test"
