RUF Briquetting Systems

Briquetting presses for various materials

Individual briquetting solutions

RUF sees itself as a complete service provider for chip treatment. For more than 35 years, we have been realising a wide variety of briquetting solutions and our product range offers the maximum in flexibility. Our systems can be equipped with a large number of options or peripheral devices to meet specific customer requirements. RUF is a system provider of recycling systems, covering all aspects of briquetting with a diverse range of materials.

[Translate to Englisch:] Brikettierpresse RUF 500
[Translate to Englisch:] Kleine Brikettierpresse RUF 11
[Translate to Englisch:] RUF Brikettierpresse FESTO


  • Individually-tailored machine design depending on requirements
  • Fully automatic 24h operation possible
  • Compact construction of the machine
  • Long service life & low level of wear and tear
  • More than 35 years’ experience

Briquetting – generating increased revenue

Briquetting loose material greatly reduces its volume, which leads to a reduction in transport and logistics costs. Due to their compact structure, our briquette presses can easily be incorporated into existing production processes and can be operated 24 hours a day.
Depending on customer requirements and the material to be used, we can offer systems for throughputs between 30 and 5,000 kg per hour.

Patrick Groth Foundry man­ager at HMT Höfer Met­all Tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG, Ger­many

“The RUF ma­chines have been work­ing very re­li­ably since their com­mis­sion­ing. They are well-en­gi­neered and highly rec­om­mend­able.”

Johann Dietl Head of CNC man­u­fac­tur­ing at Zoll­ner, Ger­many

"We are thor­oughly sat­is­fied with this equip­ment and are con­sid­er­ing an ex­pan­sion of its use."

David Kubis Order pro­cess­ing and pur­chas­ing at Al­cutec, Ger­many

"This is the per­fect so­lu­tion to our han­dling and space prob­lems. And the waste alu­minium in the com­pact bri­quette shape – largely cleaned of the cool­ing lu­bri­cant emul­sion – achieves a higher profit when sold on ." 

Markus Weber Pro­duc­tion Leader GFC Antrieb­sSys­teme GmbH, Ger­many

"The bri­quet­ting sys­tem works com­pletely with­out prob­lems and had al­ready amor­tised it­self after two years.”  


Stephan Diehl Ex­ec­u­tive SWG Met­al­lver­ar­beitung und Mon­tagetech­nik GmbH, Ger­many

“We are very sat­is­fied with the RUF Bri­quet­ting sys­tem.  The in­vest­ment has def­i­nitely paid off.” 

Georg Reuss Ex­ec­u­tive Georg Reuss, Ger­many

"First and fore­most I am im­pressed by the good price-per­for­mance ratio, the qual­ity and the re­li­a­bil­ity of the ma­chines. Be­sides I truly ap­pre­ci­ate the ex­cel­lent per­sonal re­la­tion­ship I have ex­pe­ri­enced with the fam­ily busi­ness and their Se­nior Di­rec­tor Hans Ruf from day one."


Rolf Peter Leuchtmann Mas­ter Crafts­man Final Ma­chin­ing De­part­ment, Georg Fis­cher Au­to­mo­tive Foundry, Ger­many

"The RUF bri­quet­ting press has been gen­er­at­ing prof­its since day one, thanks to its good price-per­for­mance ratio, an ap­pro­pri­ate fi­nanc­ing plan and the sav­ings it makes pos­si­ble."

Lena Kozmenkova Ex­ec­u­tive SIA RMP, Latvia

"Our col­lab­o­ra­tion with com­pany RUF has started in 2002 and has been suc­cess­ful through all these years. RUF is not just a world known ma­chin­ery pro­ducer name and the leader in bri­quet­ting tech­nolo­gies mar­ket. RUF is your trust­ful busi­ness part­ner as it has been a re­li­able and sup­port­ing part­ner for us dur­ing both – pe­ri­ods of the sales peaks and dur­ing mar­ket de­pres­sion. It’s our luck to have the same busi­ness phi­los­o­phy with our main busi­ness part­ner – the RUF com­pany. When both of you have the same aim, you achieve it faster!" 

Wayne Carracher Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor Re­cy­cling Tech­nolo­gies Group Pty Ltd Aus­tralia

"We do not have one un­sat­is­fied cus­tomer with a RUF ma­chine – and we have sold some 40 sys­tems here in Aus­tralia and New Zealand. That in it­self speaks vol­umes for the RUF com­pany and its equip­ment. In our opin­ion the RUF bri­quette press can­not be matched from a per­for­mance basis. Al­though it is more ex­pen­sive than most com­pet­ing ma­chines from a cap­i­tal cost point of view, the on­go­ing trou­ble free per­for­mance and main­te­nance of the RUF ma­chines put them well ahead of the op­po­si­tion."

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More Info

Your contacts

Roland Ruf Managing Director

More than 15 years in the company, managing director for more than 10 years

Wolfgang Ruf Managing Director

More than 30 years in the company, managing director for more than 10 years

Bernd Ellenrieder Sales Management

More than 15 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Berthold Golsner Sales & IT

More than 20 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Rita Behringer Sales & logistic

More than 15 years experience in briquetting at RUF

Stefan Schulz Sales & project management

15 years sales experience, more than 2 years at RUF


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an “all-rounder” press for all possible materials?

We always try to find the best possible briquetting solution. Our range has therefore been specifically developed for certain materials, production conditions or marketing purposes of the briquettes. Our experts will be happy to advise you with respect to processing several different materials with one briquetting machine.

How much space/area is needed for the system?

Due to their compact construction, our systems do not take up much space. The size of the machine will depend on the material to be made into briquettes, the quantity and, in accordance with this, the maximum throughput of the briquetting machine.