Nowadays, wood briquettes are a popular source of fuel - but only as long as the quality is good. The people at Reuss are well aware of this fact from their long experience in the wood business, so their briquettes are made only from dry wood shavings using high-quality briquetting equipment from Ruf GmbH & Co. KG.

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Compact and clean aluminium briquettes instead of bulky chips with clinging cooling emulsion lubricants. Höfer Metalltechnik have increased the profitability of their branch in Hettstedt thanks to a briquetting press from RUF. This producer of aluminium profiles smelts the aluminium chips in the form of briquettes in their own foundry and thereby replace expensively purchased raw material. The benefit comes to around 35,000 Euro in savings per year.

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Briquetting has allowed wood processing firm Robeta to optimise its strategy for increasing value creation and has led to a new line of business: Instead of selling on loose wood chips to converters as in the past, now this medium sized company from Uckermark presses the chips to wood briquettes on the three RUF presses they acquired in 2010. The briquettes are then directly sold to the end user as well as trading firms.

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Wood-flooring maker Scheucher is proud of its ultra high quality combining sustainability with economy. In order to extract the fullest from its input stock wood, it utilises six RUF briquetting systems that convert the high-volume wood chips and sawdust from its production into compact briquettes. Thanks to their high calorific value, these are in great demand and reduce the payback times for these systems to less than three years.

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Master Carpenter Hermann Schreder knows problems with troublesome wood shavings first-hand. He has ended it three years ago and introduced an ideal solution within the scope of a business extension: With the RUF briquetting system, he compresses wood shavings to compact wood briquettes, which can be stored easily. He heats his operation with a part of these briquettes. The much larger portion is sold as fuel. The briquetting press pays off in a short time only by this.

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Ludwig Frischhut GmbH and Co. KG have closed the circle on  their raw material cycle by utilising a briquetting press from RUF: cast chips produced during the machining of parts for water supply and sewage disposal are pressed to solid briquettes and then melted in the in-house foundry and cast to form new raw products. The melting of the loose chips would however not be possible. Therefore the company is saving money as the sales price for loose chips is markedly under the purchase price for raw materials for the foundry.

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When processing wood, shavings and wood residues are generated, sometimes in large quantities. This can be a valuable raw material, if it is processed into briquettes using high-quality machinery.

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