

01. Oktober 2021

RUF Formika New briquetting system – compact and mobile

The latest addition to the RUF Maschinenbau portfolio, the low-cost RUF Formika, is a new briquetting system designed for the metals industries. Configured for small to mid sized batches in a wide range of applications, it frees a lot of storage space and simplifies logistics, making it in addition an attractive investment for production companies generating only small chip quantities.

The briquetting systems by RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG of Zaisertshofen are renowned for their high quality and capacities of up to 5000 kg/h depending on the material processed. Now available, the RUF Formika also provides this high quality, but its capacities are considerably smaller. They range on average, and depending on the chip quality, from 50 to 70 kg/h for steel (max 100 kg/h) and from 20 to 30 kg/h for aluminium (max 40 kg/h). Also small are its size (L × W × H: 1.3 × 0.8 × 0.9 m3), its weight (650 kg), and its price.

RUF Formika
RUF Formika Innenansicht
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More Info

RUF Formika

  • Capacity for steel: 50 - 70 kg/h (max. 100 kg/h)
  • Capacity for Aluminium: 20 - 30 kg/h (max. 40 kg/h)
  • Measurements: 1,3 x 0,8 x 0,9 m³ (L x B x H)
  • Weight: 650 kg
  • Energy-Efficient 2,2 kW-Motors
  • Briquetting-Pressure: 1.300 kg/cm²
  • unattended 24/7-Operations
  • intuitive Unser Interface

These properties make the Formika the ideal solution for any metalworking company that produces only about 1–5 tonnes of chips a month, but is having difficulties in handling this quantity. Fitted with castors, it can be sited at a central location, or linked directly to the chip discharge on individual machine tools. Unattended 24/7 operations are therefore possible. Also possible are unsupervised operations: costly machining centres can then produce unattended overnight or at weekends, the high-volume chips generated are then compressed automatically into compact briquettes, and their chip containers cannot overflow.

The system can process wet and dry chips up to about 50 mm long (depending on their geometry). Sporadic, longer chips pose no problems. Designed primarily for aluminium and steel, the Formika can also briquette other materials, e.g. stainless steels. In general, however, tests are recommended at the Ruf technical centre. Here, the capacity specific to the customer’s application can also be determined. In addition, RUF can lease its systems like the Formika to production companies. They can then gauge the performance directly under real conditions in their own production environment.

Fitted with an energy-efficient 2.2 kW motor, the new RUF system can generate a specific pressure of 1300 kg/cm2. The rigid briquettes then produced are only a tenth to a fifteenth of the original volume of the (aluminium) chips. In the case of steel, this is a fifth to a tenth. Any liquids contained in the chip batch are extruded during the pressing procedure, collected in a tray, and conveyed away by the integrated coolant pump – to heights up to six metres.

To simplify operations, the developers at RUF have integrated a touchpanel with an intuitive user interface. There is also a facility for a potential free contact that simplifies greatly the exchange of signals with assigned machining centres. Another standard feature of this RUF machine is a height adjustable, custom sized hopper attachment.